MendisBaba (aka Peanut)

Roshan's and Dineli's blog to keep family and friends involved as we await the arrival of Peanut, who we are told is due on 3 March 2006.

11 November 2005

Baby Bouncing in Big Bag of Water

Finally, I am feeling the baby move in a way that is discernible and real and it feels like he is bouncing around in an enormous bag of water, so his movements though big and bold for him, seem soft and muffled to me. It's exciting to finally feel these movements and to not have to wonder if they are just my bundi digesting the stragglers from my last big meal. I wish I could share these movements with Roshan, but though he has tried placing his hand on my bundi when I feel the movements, he has been unable to feel them as yet. One of his colleagues told him that putting his cheek on my bundi is better as the skin on the face is more sensitive than the skin on the hand, so we will have to try that sometime. With all the emphasis on how the mother-to-be is supposed to feel as she goes through pregnancy, it sometimes escapes me how odd it must be for Roshan to see me take on a shape and form that is completely new (did I mention my belly button is getting shallower by the day?). Even more so, I think it must be strange for Roshan, who doesn't have the reality of physically experiencing pregnancy, to grapple with the fact that in my bundi is his child, his son; who, the moment he enters this world, will make Roshan 'thaththi'.

I had my appointment with Dr Marci today. I'm 147lb (apparently "good weight gain", if you can believe that), the baby's moving around a lot according to Dr Marci and she said I am all set for travel next week. Roshan and I can't wait - he even did a little celebratory "this time next week we're on our way to Singapore" dance when he got home tonight. Now he is sleeping his week off before we head out to the movies. We haven't been seeing a lot of movies, but we thought we'd better get a few date nights in before Peanut makes his grand entrance.

Will stop here for tonight as I need to wake up my big baby from his afternoon nap. :-) I guess this is good practice for those toddler years, but I hope when the time comes, Peanut will be easier to rouse than his thaththi.


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