5th Month Update
Last Friday I had my 5th month doctor's appointment and can hardly believe I am half way through already. Dr Marci said things look great so far and that contrary to what my mirror tells me, my weight is absolutely perfect! Actually, to be honest, I don't feel all that fat or bloated or gross at all. Just feel pregnant and though it takes a bit of getting used to, I quite like the new shape my body is taking. Robust roundness, you might call it....
Roshan needs to use the computer so I have to get off. He's been working really hard and putting in long hours so we are both desperate to go to sleep. I think a foot rub is out of the question, given he only came home this evening at 10.00pm, but maybe I can wrangle a shoulder massage before bed. I cooked this evening for a dinner tomorrow night and I feel like I've run a marathon - well, ok, I'm guessing this is how I would feel if I ran a marathon. Just standing in one place for 4 hours seems to tire me so much more these days than ever before. So time to put these feet up and get some sleep.
The books I ordered came yesterday so today I'm going to read to Peanut for the first time. Exciting!
Will keep you posted and get some new photos up here soon. We're going to a wedding on Saturday so maybe we can take some then.
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