MendisBaba (aka Peanut)

Roshan's and Dineli's blog to keep family and friends involved as we await the arrival of Peanut, who we are told is due on 3 March 2006.

11 October 2005

Midnight Shopping - Surely Not a Good Idea!

It's 1.45 in the morning and I am wide awake. Roshan's in Florida and for the last 3 hours I have been sitting at the computer scouring Amazon for books on all things baby related. I bought two books to read to Peanut (in utero!), Dr Spock's famous complete baby and child care book and a book of baby games to play with Peanut from birth till he is 3 years old. As if that wasn't enough, I've spent the last 45 minutes printing out material on how to choose a car seat, baby carrier, stroller and how to baby proof the house, as well as a list of things we need to get to properly nurse, bathe and feed Peanut. Not sure if, like I usually do when Roshan is away, I am just delaying going to sleep (I tend to do that, but typically it's by reading till my eyes are barely open or watching tv till the programs become 1984 reruns interspersed with infommercials and those late night "call me" ads) or whether I am having some kind of alone-in-the-house-going-to-have-a-baby-and-need-to-get-things-done-anxiety-overload. Even Kolla is snoring away at my feet and appears quite over the joy of hanging out with me (rather than being put to his bed) since it is now well beyond his bed time. I'm sure Peanut's not too happy about all this either. Is this normal behaviour? Hope it isn't going to make Peanut an insomniac when he arrives. Regardless, I guess I'd better head to bed and shelve the anxiety for a more civilized time. Good night all.


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