MendisBaba (aka Peanut)

Roshan's and Dineli's blog to keep family and friends involved as we await the arrival of Peanut, who we are told is due on 3 March 2006.

26 October 2005

Kolla Pic

Just remembered that I had promised to put a photo of our "first kid" up on this blog sometime back and realized I haven't done it yet. We don't have too many pics because Kolla is not too photogenic and we (still!) don't own a camera. Funny thing with Kolla - whenever Roshan and I try to speak to Peanut (in that affectionate, baba-type tone of voice, using words like "podi patsen" and "little buddy"), Kolla immediately thinks we are talking to him and runs up from wherever he is to see why he's being called. :-) Smells like trouble.....
Anyway, here's a photo of Kolla with his best buddy, taken at White Rock Lake where we had a picnic last weekend.

18 October 2005

5th Month Update

Last Friday I had my 5th month doctor's appointment and can hardly believe I am half way through already. Dr Marci said things look great so far and that contrary to what my mirror tells me, my weight is absolutely perfect! Actually, to be honest, I don't feel all that fat or bloated or gross at all. Just feel pregnant and though it takes a bit of getting used to, I quite like the new shape my body is taking. Robust roundness, you might call it....
Roshan needs to use the computer so I have to get off. He's been working really hard and putting in long hours so we are both desperate to go to sleep. I think a foot rub is out of the question, given he only came home this evening at 10.00pm, but maybe I can wrangle a shoulder massage before bed. I cooked this evening for a dinner tomorrow night and I feel like I've run a marathon - well, ok, I'm guessing this is how I would feel if I ran a marathon. Just standing in one place for 4 hours seems to tire me so much more these days than ever before. So time to put these feet up and get some sleep.
The books I ordered came yesterday so today I'm going to read to Peanut for the first time. Exciting!
Will keep you posted and get some new photos up here soon. We're going to a wedding on Saturday so maybe we can take some then.

11 October 2005

Midnight Shopping - Surely Not a Good Idea!

It's 1.45 in the morning and I am wide awake. Roshan's in Florida and for the last 3 hours I have been sitting at the computer scouring Amazon for books on all things baby related. I bought two books to read to Peanut (in utero!), Dr Spock's famous complete baby and child care book and a book of baby games to play with Peanut from birth till he is 3 years old. As if that wasn't enough, I've spent the last 45 minutes printing out material on how to choose a car seat, baby carrier, stroller and how to baby proof the house, as well as a list of things we need to get to properly nurse, bathe and feed Peanut. Not sure if, like I usually do when Roshan is away, I am just delaying going to sleep (I tend to do that, but typically it's by reading till my eyes are barely open or watching tv till the programs become 1984 reruns interspersed with infommercials and those late night "call me" ads) or whether I am having some kind of alone-in-the-house-going-to-have-a-baby-and-need-to-get-things-done-anxiety-overload. Even Kolla is snoring away at my feet and appears quite over the joy of hanging out with me (rather than being put to his bed) since it is now well beyond his bed time. I'm sure Peanut's not too happy about all this either. Is this normal behaviour? Hope it isn't going to make Peanut an insomniac when he arrives. Regardless, I guess I'd better head to bed and shelve the anxiety for a more civilized time. Good night all.

06 October 2005

Tight Pants (Sorry My Boy!)

Hi all
Just wanted to share with you all that I am suffering today at work. I convinced myself this morning that I can still get some wear out of my favourite black Portmans pants and now, two hours into my work day, I'm ready to go home and rip them off. My poor baby boy must be cursing me right now. Hang on Peanut, only four more hours till I release you from this torture. I have never found a pair I love as much as these pants and hope and pray I will fit back into them on the "other side"! Here's something I didn't know.... when you have preggie growth, even bits that don't seem to be growing are growing - like the hippy boney area just beneath the bundi. In the early stages, I thought I could easily keep wearing my jeans and pants because I wear them all low on my hips, but no... the hips seem to be shifting outward as well, though thankfully at a far less exponential rate than the bundi is protruding forwards.
So Gasp girls, be warned: like me, you too will have to retire your favourite jeans when you start carrying a Peanut around one day!

05 October 2005

It's a BOY!!!!!

Today has been the most exciting day since we found out that Dineli is pregnant. So exciting that I even got motivated to post my first blog, which involved a 30 minute tutorial from the wife.

Dineli had a sonogram appointment at 8am today, but we were stylishly late, say about 20 mins or so. Luckily we were taken in minutes after we got there. I couldn't have handled having to sit in the lobby for much longer than that. The doc got into it right away, with the gel and the wierd scanning device. I couldn't tell head or tail of it in the beginning as he was focusing on all the vital parts - heart, spine, legs, arms, head, etc. And finally he focused on the most vital part for today, drew an arrow to it, and typed 'I am a boy' on the screen. Dineli had a bit of a cry, even though I am sure she will deny it, and I was in complete awe, both because we are having a son and because everything seemed to check out as normal.

Then began the many rounds of calls to parents, siblings and friends. Sorry if we caught you at bad times, it was a great time for us :-) We are happy to have been able to share this news with you. We'll put some pictures up in a few days. Now we are slowly breaking the news to the adopted son at home, Kolla (our dog), and trying to ready him for the arrival of his best friend.

02 October 2005

Three days to go till we know....

Hi all
It's only 3 more days till we find out if peanut is a girl or a boy. I can't wait- really, really excited to find out. I have not once had an inkling of whether it will be a boy or girl or even the slightest feeling of it being more likely to be one than the other, but for some strange reason, today, I was talking to Roshan and nangi and I happened to say "my daughter" instead of "the baby" or "peanut". Very odd....... Will have to wait and see if it was an umbilical message from Peanut or nothing but a slight dysfuntion between my brain and mouth.
So nangi tells me that she can definitely tell I am pregnant now. That's a good thing. On Friday, we went out to a nearby bar with nangi and Mitch (her fiance) and two friends (the first time we have done that since we found out about Peanut being on the way) and I had a terrible time trying to figure out what to wear. I wanted to wear jeans and a t-shirt, but when I asked Roshan if I looked pregnant or just like a girl with a bit of a gut, he said (without any hesitation, I might add) that I could easily be mistaken for a girl with a gut. So I ditched the jeans and t-shirt and wore something that made me look more pregnant and less like I need to do more crunches at the gym. But nangi tells me that today I looked the part, so I'm happy about that. Apparently the baby has a growth spurt between weeks 16 and 18 and since I've just finished week 18, I guess it makes sense that it is starting to show a little more. On my 5th month now.
Things are still going great and we are getting more into the naming game these days. We have a few ideas. Haven't seen too many suggestions other than malli's 'interesting' ones..... come on people, help us out please. Healthwise and feeling wise, I'm doing great and Roshan and I are both awed by the fact that we are going to have a child soon. Not much has changed at home except that Roshan makes me a Milo in the mornings now -not every morning, but most... he says he doesn't want to commit to doing it every morning because then it will lose its value :-) Things are good.
Will post again on Wednesday after we find out. Hope you are all keeping well and finding these ramblings at least mildly entertaining.