MendisBaba (aka Peanut)

Roshan's and Dineli's blog to keep family and friends involved as we await the arrival of Peanut, who we are told is due on 3 March 2006.

19 September 2005

San Diego Photos (First Bundi Shots!)

Well here they are - a few photos from San Diego.
We had such a great time there visiting Blake and Leigh and their kids Lauren and Ryan. San Diego is gorgeous and the weather was beautiful; sunny, blue skies, cool breeze on spanish tiled roofs and white washed houses. I loved it. Such a nice change to see all that water around. Other than the fact that I was at two airports for 8 hours on Sunday trying to get a flight back to Dallas, it was a great weekend. Looks like Ro and I are both unlucky with flights this trip - he's been trying to get back from LA since 7pm tonight and now it is 11pm and he is only just boarding a flight that will get him here at 2am. I have to make sure Kolla has been out to pee and poo before he comes because otherwise, the excitement might get the better of him and he might let it all go! By the way, for anyone who doesn't know, Kolla is our doggiya. In fact, I'll post a photo of him up soon too so you can see what our "first kid" looks like. :-)
So what's the verdict on the bundi? Can you tell there is a peanut in there or do I just look like I haven't been to the gym in some time? I feel like sometime during the last three weeks, I lost my waist. Truly, that was one part of my body I was happy with and now that's gone too. All for a good cause though.... By the way, doesn't Roshan look really comfortable holding baby Ryan? :-)
I saw Dr Marci yesterday and she said things are looking good. Even though I might feel like a bit of a telly tubby, she told me my weight gain is perfect (her words, not mine) and that the baby has a strong, healthy heartbeat. We couldn't find the heartbeat for a little while and I did start to worry - Dr Marci just said Peanut is very, very active and moving around all over the place. Roshan's interpretation of "active baby" is "he or she is going to be an elite athlete and we need to move to Australia in time for the kid to pursue a professional sporting career"! We find out if we're having a boy or girl on 5 October. Can't wait!
Ok, so that's all for now. Hope you like the photos.

15 September 2005

Off to San Diego

Hello everyone. We're off to San Diego tomorrow for the weekend. Roshan has to work there Mon-Tue so we're going tomorrow to spend the weekend with some friends of his that I've never met before. Dr Marci (that's my ob/gyn) said that the second trimester is the best time to travel, so we're trying to make the most of it, because once Peanut comes, we'll be a little less footloose and fancy free. I'm due to see Dr Marci again on Monday - I have to fly back on my lonesome on Sunday night :-( - and I'll let you all know how that goes. We're hoping to either get our digital camera this weekend or borrow nangi's (Roshelle's) so hopefully we'll have some pics from San Diego to show on here soon.

By the way, though others would still not be able to say definitively that I have a Peanut bundi, to me personally, the bundi has recently started to feel very different to how it has ever felt before. It's hard to describe it, but the bundi feels heavier and sort of like I'm a kangaroo carrying something in my front pouch. I'm always very aware of it. Interesting and weird.....

Have a great weekend.

13 September 2005

SO FAR...... good.

Abi sent us a link to a friend's baby blog and suggested we start our own. Great idea Abi, thank you. So here it is, the countdown to the arrival of Peanut.

A little background:

We found out Peanut was on the way on 4 July 2005, with two home pregnancy tests and the doctor confirmed it for us on 5 July 2005. We've been told he/she (we don't know yet if it's a boy or girl, but will find out in 5 weeks time) is due on 3rd March 2005. So far, the thinking is that we will find out if it's going to be a boy or girl. We were very excited and a little surprised to find out Peanut was on the way and felt quite overwhelmed by it all for the first couple of days. But now, it's really sunk in and we are both counting the days to see Peanut.

Where we are at now:

I'm now 15 1/2 weeks along (which puts us in the fourth month and second trimester) and things have been pretty easy so far. No morning sickness, no cravings, no inexplicable behaviour etc. A few migraines have been making an appearance in the last week or so, but other than that, it's been smooth sailing so far. I've had the first and second ultrasounds already (in one, Peanut was a little blob, but in the second, though only 2 inches long, it was clearly a baby with a human head, legs, arms and movement) and the third is in about another 5-6 weeks. The tests so far have all come back normal and we are so thankful and keep praying that this will continue right through the pregnancy. The next doctor's visit is on Monday, 19 September.

Why Peanut?:

Roshan came up with that early on (probably because at that time, Peanut really was about the size of a peanut) and the name has stuck.

The Bundi Situation:

So far, no one would think I am pregnant by just looking at me, but many items of clothing have already been retired, some very reluctantly. The bundi is a little bigger, but it's difficult to tell what is Peanut related and what is just buth (rice) related! :-) So far, the weight gain is about 7LB which is really not that bad (they say the normal is about 5Lb in the first trimester and a pound or so a week in the second), considering there was no morning sickness or reduction in appetite! I did, however, buy the first lot of sort-of-maternity clothes this weekend. We'll get some photos up on this thing soon, but we need to go out and buy a digital camera first- it's on the list of things to do this week.

That's about it for now. I'll keep you posted (and hopefully Roshan will too) and hope to hear from you all too through the comments section. Please do comment so we don't feel like we're being too self-absorbed. :-)